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China Daily Website

A mission to sell, to buy and to learn

Updated: 2013-10-22 14:49
( chinadaily.com.cn)

China and the UK should cooperate more closely on transport and aviation, the UK’s secretary of state for transport Patrick McLoughlin told China Daily in London before his trip to China.

McLoughlin, who visits China on a trip beginning Oct 19, said he is particularly keen to find out more about China’s high speed train system and explore the possibility of establishing more airline links between the two countries.

McLoughlin said he will meet with China’s minister of transport Yang Chuantang to learn more about China’s infrastructure growth, which would help him identify potential business opportunities for UK companies, particularly those in the design and construction sectors.

“It’s a mission to sell, to buy and to learn. I’m always very happy to learn lessons wherever we possibly can,” McLoughlin said.

Reporter: Celily Liu

Camera: Zhang Chunyan

Video: Xue Min & Cong Ruiting

Producer: Flora Yue

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