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US vows to respond to fresh DPRK satellite launch

Updated: 2012-12-08 06:38
( Xinhua)

WASHINGTON - The United States vowed on Friday to "take appropriate action" in response to another satellite launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ( DPRK) scheduled for this month.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington takes " very seriously" DPRK's claim that its missile can strike the US mainland.

"We condemn, you know, North Korea's decision to move forward with the launch," he said at a regular news briefing. "We urge North Korea to reconsider, and we're working with our partners and allies in the region to address our concerns, and in the event of a launch we'll take appropriate action."

US special representative for DPRK policy Glyn Davies on Tuesday met at the State Department with Shinsuke Sugiyama, director general for Asian and Oceanian affairs at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Lim Sung-nam, the Republic of Korea's special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security issues.

They affirmed that if the DPRK proceeds with the planned launch, their countries would seek action by the UN Security Council.

The DPRK announced early this month that it was planning to launch a new version of the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite by the Unha- 3 carrier rocket between December 10-22 following a failed attempt in April.

The plan has drawn an outcry from the US and other countries, with Washington calling it "a highly provocative act that threatens peace and security in the region."

A presidential statement adopted by the UN Security Council following DPRK's April launch expressed its determination to take action accordingly in the event of another launch.

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